Monday, June 2, 2008

More Demo - 6/1/08

The Walls Come Down - 5/29/08

Wallpaper Stripping - 5/25/08

Tha Dump - 5/23/08

Ah, Richard F. Burns Waste Transfer Center, land of my dreams.

After pricing out a couple of options (dumpster, hired waste removal), we went with the ol' "sling a bunch of stuff in a U-Haul and take it to the dump" option.  They weigh your van before and after you unload it, and you pay 80 bucks a ton.  Much cheaper, believe me.

On the minus side, it's sort of an ecological nightmare.

They also do some wood recycling, for what it's worth.

You just back your truck up to the wall and unload, after which a GIANT Volvo truck comes and smashes your trash in its claw.

The guys unloading next to us may have had the least inspection-worthy pickup I've ever seen.

Fare thee well, sweet carpet.